Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto Onlus (Veneto Eye Bank Foundation) is a non-profit, social welfare organization and regional centre of reference for cornea transplantation and research into epithelial stem cells and ocular deseases.
Established in 1987 in response to the growing need for ocular tissue for transplant in public hospitals in the Veneto Region, Fondazione is today one of the leading eye banks in Europe for the retrieval, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human ocular tissue for transplant and for the treatment of pathologies of the anterior segment of the eye. In addition, Fondazione was the first facility in the world able to distribute grafts of corneal stem cells reconstructed in vitro for the treatment of ocular pathologies not curable only with a corneal transplant. Fondazione si now also developing activities to carry out research, training and clinical studies for the treatment and cure of ocular deseases.
Certified by the Italian National Transplants Centre and by Certiquality (Quality Management System conforms to the ISO 9001:2008 standard), the activities of Fondazione are focused towards increasing public awareness about the importance of corneal donation, and providing ocular tissues to ophthalmic surgeons for transplantation in accordance with the highest international standards of quality and safety.
- To ensure that corneal donation is the fruit of a conscious and voluntary choice and capable of giving comfort.
- To improve the quality of life of those affected by eye diseases, working towards sight restoration and providing assistance to those who fear losing their sight.
- To contribute to the improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for the treatment of corneal diseases through ethically responsible research.
The activity of eye banking undertaken by Fondazione offers its collaborating surgeons a service of retrieval, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human ocular tissue for transplant.
The whole process is oriented to guarantee safety, through the constant monitoring and the provision of the best quality possible of corneal tissues for ophthalmic surgery.
Fondazione, in keeping with its mission, is committed to undertaking research of the highest quality and its designated research themes, portfolio of current and past projects, and expert group of researchers, are all testament to this commitment. Our research is carried out with the conviction that the integration and comparison of different research approaches and methodologies can produce the best results. From this point of view, the opening of the new International Center for Ocular Physiopathology, subsequent to the existing eye bank and stem cells laboratory, is the latest step in the progression of our research which we believe will lead to an ever better understanding of eye diseases and consequently to finding real treatment solutions.
At the end of 2003 a tertiary out-patients referral centre was established, in response to the many requests received from surgeons and patients, for the diagnosis of complex diseases of the ocular surface. This service has allowed Fondazione to engage with patients and families having a wide range of ocular disorders.
Fondazione has its own communications office, capable of supporting all the functions of the organisation. It has developed a know-how specific to the promotion of the culture of donation and the reporting of socio-medical activities and projects, and has been recognised at a national level as a reality which has contributed to the growth of non-profit organisations in the public relations and communications field.
The Veneto Eye Bank Foundation supports itself through:
- reimbursements by Health Authorities for tissues distributed to surgeons for transplantation;
- donations from organisations, enterprises and private citizens;
- grants from national and international organizations.
The Foundation is a non profit, social welfare organization: profits or surpluses cannot be distributed, but are reinvested exclusively in works and activities designed to pursue the aims of the organisation.
Each contribution, however small, is precious to us and goes towards helping us to better carry out our mission.