Publications 2016
Parekh M, Ferrari S, Sheridan C, Kaye S and Ahmad S. Concise review: An update on the culture of human corneal endothelial cells for transplantation. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2016;5: 258-264.
Parekh M, Ruzza A, Elbadawy H, Ferrari S, Salvalaio G, Camposampiero D, Ponzin D. Transplantation failure due to inadvertent reversal of human donor corneas. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 26 (2): e21-23.
Marianthi K, Persico M, Mutarelli M, Carissimo A, Pizzo M, Singh Marwah V, Ambrosio C, Pinelli M, Carrella D, Ferrari S, Ponzin D, Nigro V, Di Bernardo D, Banfi S. High-resolution analysis of the human retina miRNome reveals isomiR variations and novel microRNAs. Nucleic Acid Research 2016; 44: 1525-1540.
Ruzza A, Parekh M, Salvalaio G, Ferrari S, Ponzin D. Development of a new superficial punch for Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty donor tissue preparation. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 100 (4): 443-445.
Parekh M, Ruzza A, Ferrari S, Busin M, Ponzin D. Pre-loaded tissues for Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. The American Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 166: 120-125.
Barbaro V, Nasti AA, Del Vecchio C, Ferrari S, Migliorati A, Raffa P, Lariccia V, Nespeca P, Biasolo M, Willoughby CE, Ponzin D, Palù G, Parolin C, Di Iorio E. Correction of mutant p63 in EEC syndrome using siRNA mediated allele specific silencing restores defective stem cell function. Stem Cells 2016; 34: 1588-1600.
Barbaro V, Nasti AA, Raffa P, Migliorati A, Nespeca P, Ferrari S, Palumbo E, Bertolin M, Breda C, Micelli F, Russo A, Caenazzo L, Ponzin D, Palù G, Parolin C, Di Iorio E. Personalized Stem Cell Therapy to Correct Corneal Defects due to an Unique Homozygous-Heterozygous Mosaicism of Ectrodactyly-Ectodermal Dysplasia-Clefting Syndrome. Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2016; 5 (8): 1098-1105.
Parekh M, Ruzza A, Ferrari S, Salvalaio G, Elbadawy H, Ponzin D, Lipari E. Polarization of human donor corneas. Cell and Tissue Banking 2016; 17 (2): 233-239.
Pinelli M, Carissimo A, Cutillo L , Lai CH, Mutarelli M, Moretti MN, Singh MV, Karali M, Carrella D, Pizzo M, Russo F, Ferrari S, Ponzin D, Angelini C, Banfi S, di Bernardo D. An atlas of gene expression and gene co-regulation in the human retina. Nucleic Acids Research 2016; 44: 5773-5784.
Parekh M, Ruzza A, Ferrari S, Ahmad S, Kaye S, Ponzin D, Romano V. Endothelium-in versus Endothelium-out for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty graft preparation and implantation. Acta Ophthalmologica 2016, DOI: 10.1111/aos.13162
Elbadawy H, Mirabelli P, Xeroudaki M, Parekh M, Bertolin M, Breda C, Cagini C, Ponzin D, Lagali N, Ferrari S. Effect of Connexin 43 inhibition by the mimetic peptide Gap27 on corneal wound healing, inflammation and neovascularization. British Journal of Pharmacology 2016; 173: 2880-2893.
Fasolo A, Pedrotti E, Passilongo M, Marchini G, Monterosso C, Zampini R, Bohm E , Birattari F, Franch A, Barbaro V, Bertolin M, Breda C, Di Iorio E, Ferrari B, Ferrari S, Meneguzzi M, Ponzin D. Safety outcomes and long-term effectiveness of ex vivo autologous cultured limbal epithelial transplantation for limbal stem cell deficiency. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; DOI: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2015-308272.
Busin M, Breda C, Bertolin M, Bovone C, Ponzin D, Ferrari S, Barbaro V, Elbadawy HM. Corneal epithelial stem cells repopulate the donor area within one year from limbus removal for limbal autograft. Ophthalmology 2016; 123: 2481-2488.
Pedrotti E, Passilongo M, Fasolo A, Ficial S, Ferrari S, Marchini G. Refractive outcomes of penetrating keratoplasty and deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in fellow eyes for keratoconus. International Ophthalmology (The International Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences) 2016; in press. DOI: 10.1007/s10792-016-0350-0
Luznik Z, Hawlina M, Malicev E, Bertolin M, Kopitar AN, Ihan A, Ferrari S, Schollmayer P. Effect of cryopreserved amniotic membrane orientation on the expression of limbal mesenchymal and epithelial stem cell markers in prolonged limbal explant cultures. PLOS ONE 2016; 11(10): e0164408.
Parekh M, Ruzza A, Ferrari S, Ponzin D. Preservation of pre-loaded DMEK lenticules in dextran and non-dextran-based organ culture medium. Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 2016: ID 5830835.
Lombardo M, Parekh M, Serrao S, Ruzza A, Ferrari S, Lombardo G. Two-photon optical microscopy imaging of endothelial keratoplasty grafts. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00417-016-3543-3
Parekh M, Ruzza A, Di Mundo R, Ferrari S, Recchia G, Elbadawy H, Carbone G, Ponzin D. Role of dextran in maintaining adhesive and stiffness properties of prestripped DMEK lenticules. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2016. DOI: 10.5301/ejo.5000906.
Busin M, Leon P, Scorcia V, Ponzin D. Contact Lens-Assisted Pull-Through Technique for Delivery of Tri-Folded (Endothelium in) DMEK Grafts Minimizes Surgical Time and Cell Loss. Ophthalmology 2016; 123(3): 476-83.
Pedrotti E, Bosello F, Fasolo A, Frigo AC, Marchesoni I, Ruggeri A, Marchini G. Transcutaneous periorbital electrical stimulation in the treatment of dry eye. British Journal Ophthalmology 2016 Sep 22. pii: bjophthalmol-2016-308678. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2016-308678.
Nahum Y, Ponzin D, Busin M. Two cases of ultrathin Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty utilizing a graft that had undergone radial keratotomy. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; 64: 162-164.
Parmeggiani F, Barbaro V, De Nadai K, Lavezzo E, Toppo S, Chizzolini M, Palù G, Parolin C, Di Iorio E. Identification of novel X-linked gain-of-function RPGR-ORF15 mutation in Italian family with retinitis pigmentosa and pathologic myopia. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 39179. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27995965
Parmeggiani F, Barbaro V, Migliorati A, Raffa P, Nespeca P, De Nadai K, Del Vecchio C, Palù G, Parolin C, Di Iorio E. Novel variants of RPGR in X-linked retinitis pigmentosa families and genotype-phenotype correlation. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2016; DOI: 10.5301/ejo.5000879.
Paolin A, Cogliati E, Trojan D, Griffoni C, Grassetto A, Elbadawy HM, Ponzin D. Amniotic membranes in ophthalmology: long term data on transplantation outcomes. Cell and Tissue Banking 2016; 17(1): 51-8.