Publications 2020
1. Trias E, Gallon P, Ferrari S, Piteira AR, Tabera J, Casaroli-Marano RP, Parekh M, Ruzza A, Franch A, Ponzin D. Banking of corneal stromal lenticules: a risk-analysis assessment with the EuroGTP II interactive tool. Cell and Tissue Banking 2020; 21(2): 189-204
2. Borroni D, Gadhvi K, Wojcik G, Pennisi F, Vallabh NA, Galeone A, Ruzza A, Arbabi E, Menassa N, Kaye S, Ponzin D, Ferrari S, Romano V. The Influence of Speed During Stripping in Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Tissue Preparation. Cornea 2020; 39(9): 1086-1090.
3. Prina E, Amer MH, Sidney L, Tromayer M, Moore J, Liska R, Bertolin M, Ferrari S, Hopkinson A, Dua H, Yang J, Wildman R, Rose FRAJ. Bioinspired Precision Engineering of Three-Dimensional Epithelial Stem Cell Microniches. Advanced Biosystems 2020; 4(6): e2000016.
4. Rapizzi E, Gallon P, Ponzin D, Ferrari S, Zemella N. A conservative surgical approach to the treatment of optic disc pit maculopathy: four case reports. Case Reports in Ophthalmology 2020; 11(2): 196-204.
5. Tzamalis A, Vinciguerra R, Romano V, Arbabi E, Borroni D, Wojcik G, Ferrari S, Ziakas N, Kaye S. The “Yogurt” technique for Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty graft preparation: a novel quick and safe method for both inexperienced and senior surgeons. Cornea 2020; 39(9): 1190-1195.
6. Parekh M, Romano V, Franch A, Leon P, Birattari F, Borroni D, Kaye SB, Ponzin D, Ahmad S, Ferrari S. Shotgun sequencing to determine corneal infection. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports 2020; 19: 100737.
7. Rosetta P, Ruzza A, Parekh M, Gallon P, Vinciguerra R, Ferrari S, Dua HS, Ponzin D, Vinciguerra P. Fate of endothelial cells after intrastromal implantation of Descemet’s membrane-endothelial cell tissue. Cell and Tissue Banking 2020; 21(3): 535-545.
8. Gadhvi KA, Coco G, Pagano L, Kaye SB, Ferrari S, Levis HJ, Parekh M, Romano V. Eye banking: one cornea for multiple recipients. Cornea 2020; 39(12): 1599-1603.
9. Wojcik G, Parekh M, Romano V, Ferrari S, Ruzza A, Ahmad S, Ponzin D. Pre-loaded Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty grafts with endothelium outward: a cross-country validation study of the DMEK Rapid device. Cornea 2020;
10. Parekh M, Ruzza A, Gallon P, Ponzin D, Ahmad S, Ferrari S. Synthetic media for preservation of corneal tissues deemed for endothelial keratoplasty and endothelial cell culture. Acta Ophthalmologica 2020;
11. Romano V, Pagano L, Gadhvi KA, Coco G, Titley M, Fenech MT, Ferrari S, Levis HJ, Parekh M, Kaye S. Clinical outcomes of pre-loaded ultra-thin DSAEK and pre-loaded DMEK. BMJ Open Ophthalmology 2020; 5(1): e000546.
12. Parekh M, Ferrari S, Romano V, Myerscough J, Jones GLA, Griffoni C, Ahmad S, Feltrin G, Busin M, Ponzin D. Impact of COVID-19 on corneal donation and distribution. European Journal of Ophthalmology 2020;
13. Ruzza A, Galeone A, Baruzzo M, Favaro E, Parekh M, Ferrari S, Ponzin D. Eye bank management of irregular Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty lenticules. Cornea 2020;
14. Parekh M, Ramos T, O’Sullivan F, Meleady P, Ferrari S, Ponzin D, Ahmad S. Human corneal endothelial cells from older donors can be cultured and passaged on cell-derived extracellular matrix. Acta Ophthalmologica 2020;
15. Ferrari S, Del Vecchio C, Bosio L, Zorzi I, Crisanti A, Ponzin D. Absence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 RNA in human corneal donor tissues: implications for transplantation. Cornea 2020;
16. Wojcik G, Ferrari S, Romano V, Ponzin D, Ahmad S, Parekh M. Corneal storage methods: considerations and impact on surgical outcomes. Expert Review of Ophthalmology 2020;
17. Bertolin M, Breda C, Ferrari S, Lamon M, Ponzin D, Ferrari B and Barbaro V. A new standardized immunofluorescence method for potency quantification (SMPQ) of human conjunctival cell cultures. Cell and Tissue Banking 2000;
18. van Velthoven AJH, Bertolin M, Barbaro V, Sthijns MMJPE, Nuijts RMMA, LaPointe VLS, Dickman MM, Ferrari S. Increased cell survival of human primary conjunctival stem cells in dimethyl sulfoxide-based cryopreservation media. Biopreservation and Biobanking 2020;
19. Romano V, Kazaili A, Pagano L, Gadhvi KA, Titley M, Steger B, Fernandez-Vega-Cueto L, Meana A, Merayo-Lloves J, Ponzin D, Akhtar R, Levis HJ, Ferrari S, Kaye SB, Parekh M. Eye bank versus surgeon prepared DMEK tissues: influence on adhesion and re-bubbling rate. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2020;
20. Ferrari S, Del Vecchio C, Leonardi A, Feltrin G, Yu AC, Busin M, Crisanti A, Ponzin D. Detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in corneas from asymptomatic donors. Acta Ophthalmologica 2020;
21. Thuret G, Courrier E, Poinard S, Gain P, Baud’Huin M, Martinache I, Cursiefen C, Maier P, Hjortdal J, Ibanez JS, Ponzin D, Ferrari S, Jones G, Griffoni C, Rooney P, Bennett K, Armitage JW, Figueiredo F, Nuijts R, Dickman M. One threat, different answers: the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cornea donation and donor selection across Europe. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2020;
22. Borroni D, Romano V, Ferrari S, Parekh M. Shotgun metagenomics sequencing to determine corneal infection. Ocular Surface Insight 2020; 10: 26-27.
23. Fasolo A, Gallon P, Frigo AC, Birattari F, Monterosso C, Rapizzi E, Brighenti T, Pedrotti E, Marro C, Viola P, Ponzin D, Franch A. Gender medicine in corneal transplantation: influence of sex mismatch on rejection episodes and graft survival in a prospective cohort of patients. Cell and Tissue Banking 2020;
24. Busin M, Yu AC, Ponzin D. Coping with COVID-19: An Italian Perspective on Corneal Surgery and Eye Banking in the Time of a Pandemic and Beyond. Ophthalmology 2020; 127 (9): e68-e69.
25. Giannaccare G, Bolognesi F, Biglioli F, Marchetti C, Mariani S, Weiss JS, Allevi F, Cazzola FE, Ponzin D, Lozza A, Bovone C, Scorcia V, Busin M, Campos EC. In Vivo and Ex Vivo Comprehensive Evaluation of Corneal Reinnervation in Eyes Neurotized With Contralateral Supratrochlear and Supraorbital Nerves. Cornea 2020; 39(2): 210-214.
26. Dunker S.L, Armitage W.J, Armitage M, Brocato L, Figueiredo F.C, Heemskerk M, Hjortdal J, Jones G.L.A, Konijn C, Nuijts R.M.M.A, Lundström M, Dickman M.M. Outcomes of corneal transplantation in Europe: Report by the European Cornea and Cell Transplantation Registry (ECCTR). Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery: November 30, 2020
27. Pedrotti E, Chierego C, Cozzini T, Merz T, Lagali N, De Gregorio A, Fasolo A, Bonacci E, Bonetto J, Marchini G. In Vivo Confocal Microscopy of the Corneal-Conjunctival Transition in the Evaluation of Epithelial Renewal after SLET. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2020; 9 (11): 3574.
28. Pedrotti E, Chierego C, Bonacci E, De Gregorio A, De Rossi A, Zuliani A, Fasolo A, Marchini G. New treatments for keratoconus. International Ophthalmology 2020; 40(7): 1619-1623.
1. Galeone A, Ruzza A, Ferrari S, Ponzin D. Preparazione dei tessuti per endocheratoplastica: il ruolo delle banche degli occhi. In “Le Cheratoplastiche Endoteliali”. S.I.TRA.C Società Italiana Trapianto di Cornea e Superficie Oculare. Antonio Delfino Editore – medicina-scienze 2020, pp 47-56.